bird - a collective - 8th March - 26th May 2012 at BRIDGEVIEW GALLERY - for directions. with Martha Elizabeth Ferguson, Hazel Irvine Fortescue, Gabi Reith and Mel Shand
Bird was an opportunity for me to study one single species- soon discovering that limiting subject matter does not necessarily make choosing what to study any easier. Although I try hard not to anthropomorphise, I am interested in the aspects of birdlife that offer up a mirror - preening, display, flight, the endless nurturing of young, and empty nest syndrome - all hold parallels with our own rituals.
We think of nature as wild and free and yet their behaviour is dictated by the same rigours - which largely go unobserved by us, so distracted are we by our own busy lives.
My drawings tend to be studies, or spontaneous, over time the oils became brighter in colour, aiming to isolate the subject at its most gorgeous - even drab wee birds have fantastic vivid nuances of colour in their feathers. Birds are elegant and perfect, I find their posturing endlessly fascinating - I hope they speak to you as they chirruped to me.